Alocasia x microdora
While the main thrust of our work is the development of very large, durable, and interesting aroid hybrids, sometimes Nature takes a turn in the opposite direction. We first saw this with the plants we call the Pixie Teardrops, or just "Pixies", which are diminutive and elegant, though unexpected, results of our A. x calidora hybridization. However, we were to find out that even a Pixie is giant compared to what Nature can produce.
Now, for your viewing pleasure, is, perhaps, the smallest Alocasia in the world. The pictures describe this plant best; note in the second picture the tiny trunk with roots growing down it. The plant pictured is about a year old from seed. Should we call the Guinness Book of World Records?

Incredible but true!
| In the Lab | In the Field | The Species | Fruiting | The Hybrids |