Alocasia x "Brisbane Waves"

This hybrid of Alocasia brisbanensis and Alocasia portei was our first attempt at introducing more interest into the Alocasia brisbanensis type. We obtained only a few seedlings, and just this one so far has attained a mature size (nearly 2 years from seed to this size). The one illustrated here is a "green" type and the other one not illustrated is the "mottled" type with colored petioles. While this plant shows some similarities to A. x portora, there are definite differences, one of which is the longer leaf blades of the Brisbane Waves. Compare the two and you'll see for yourself.
Hopefully, we will have the opportunity to do F2 work with these plants as we expect that the most interesting progeny will result from that work.

The picture above is close up showing the upper (adaxial) and lower (abaxial) surfaces of the leaves of Alocasia x Brisbane Waves.
| In the Lab | In the Field | The Species | Fruiting | The Hybrids |